The Health Clinics are on hold until a facility is found. Please Check with to locate local health testing clinics.
CCHC will not conduct a health clinic in 2024.
OFA Eyes, Cardiac Basic Auscultation, Advanced Cardiac ECHO, BAER, Patella, and Dentition.
Appointments for Cardiac ECHOs are limited to 25 clients.
Pre-Registration closes Sept.9th, 2023.
All registered test must be paid by Sept. 9th, 2023.
Walk-ins accepted the day of testing, depending on the availability.
Walk-in prices apply after Sept. 9th, 2023. See prices below.
You MUST check in at the clinic desk prior to being placed in line for the screening stations. You Must bring all your pre-printed forms for the exams. All forms will be stamped PAID.
Screening Stations
BAER $ 70
Patella Luxation $35
Dentition $35
Micro-chipping $20
Cardiac Auscultation $55
OFA Eyes $55
Advanced Cardiac ECHO $275
***ECHOS are limited to 25 HEALTHY clients.***
***ECHOS must be pre-paid to be scheduled***
***ECHO station is for Cardiac Screening purposes ONLY,
NOT for a cardiac diagnostic testing and treatment plans, No medications, prescriptions or treatment plans will be available.***
There will be No XRAY station or bloodwork station this year.
Clinic Coordinator: Anna Faust
Direct your questions to
Location of clinic: Winston Salem Coliseum Annex
414 Deacon Blvd, Winston- Salem, NC 27107
*All participants MUST enter from Shorefair Dr. at Gate 7
There will be a football game and tailgating event on Deacon Blvd.
Roads will be blocked. Arrive early.
There are NO REFUNDS except in the cancellation of the dog show.
Winston-Salem Fairgrounds 414 Deacon Boulevard Winston-Salem, NC
Complete OFA forms for each health test:
You are responsible for bringing your completed forms for each test to the clinic. If registering for the OFA Eyes, you will need 2 copies of the form per dog being tested. Basic cardiac forms are to be filled out prior to arrival. See instructions above for how to fill out your forms Online.
Steps for filling out your OFA forms:
1. Go to, Log In to your OFA On-line profile.
2. If you do not already have a user profile, create an account profile.
3. Click the button “Create an Application”
4. Search for the dog you wish to create an application for.
6. Fill in the information on the form, most should pre-populate through the search.
7. Scroll down to the bottom to where it asks you to choose your Exam/services. It's either "On-line exams OR All other exams"
8. For Eyes, Choose On-line Exams and then scroll down to the Upcoming Health Clinics. Find Saturday Sept. 16th. Jennifer Fontenelle.
9. Click the little square beside of September 16th, 2023.
10. Click “Save" if you only have 1 dog to register for eyes.
Click "Save/+New” if you have multiple dogs to register for eyes.
11. After registering for each application, you will receive an e-mail with the filled out form attached for downloading to print. You are responsible for bringing these completed forms with you for the doctors to fill out and sign.
12. All other forms will be filled out under the Middle box with the button labeled as "All other Non-Radiographic OFA Applications."
Each Year, our club facilitates a health clinic. Please check back here for current information.
Tests are being performed by Appointment times. Walk ups are welcome. We will be happy to make you and appointment if there are time slot available.
The CDC guidelines and AKC rules will be followed for the clinic.
Commonly Asked Questions:
1- What do I need to bring with me?
2-Do you take Cash, Credit Cards, PayPal or Debit Cards?
Yes, we accept cash, checks, PayPal, Square, credit cards and debit cards. Pre-Registration Payment is accepted by We will also have the Square.
3- Do you offer pre-payment before the clinic?
Yes, we are requesting pre-registration for all tests. All forms will need to be filled out per dog, printed and brought to the testing site. All OFA EYE forms need 2 copies per dog.
Time slots are limited. Once those times are filled up, additional tests might be performed as a Walk-in option for an additional $5 upcharge per test, if appointment availability and time permits. At the time when you pay for your screening tests, you will be placed in a waitlist line and given a time for your appointment.
4- I have multiple dogs; do you have a limit on how many dogs I can bring?
No, you will need to have some way of securing your dogs. There will be space provided for parking crates. Realize there will be dogs put in between multiple dog clients while you switch out your dogs. Multiple dogs will not be allowed to hold up the line progress. If you do not have your dogs crated, you will need to bring someone that can assist you in handling your dogs. Please do not expect a clinic worker to hold your dogs and help you juggle in between your dogs. Please make sure your dog is wearing a secure collar that is tight enough they can not back free. Each dog owner is responsible for responsible handling of their dog to ensure the security and safety of their own dogs and others around them
5- Will I need to bring my own chair?
There will be some chairs available so that social distanced spacing is available while you wait with your dogs. If you need more, you will need to bring a folding chair.
6- Will there be any food or refreshments available?
There is a concessions area at the front of the building that sells
coffee, drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. We are not encouraging food in the small areas. We are unsure at this time if they will be open for sales.
7- Who are the physicians?
Suzanne Hughes, DVM: practices out of a facility in Durham, NC
She performs our BAER, Patella, Dentition and Microchip placement screening station.
Kathleen Brown, DVM, PhD, DACVIM who lives in Durham, NC.
She performs our Cardiac screenings.
Dr. Michael Cocchiaro, who also lives in the Hillsbourgh, NC area.
He will be performing the Cardiac ECHOS with help from 2 assistants.
Jennifer Fontenelle, DVM, MS, DACVO who practices out of the Cary Eye Clinic. She will be performing our OFA eye exams.