What kind of Breeder are you dealing with? A Puppy Mill, A Back-Yard Breeder or a Reputable Breeder? Below is a tool to help you screen through the noise. Hopefully some of these tips will assist you in knowing what kind of breeder your puppy comes from. Whether you buy a puppy from one of our club members, or not, our desire is that you make the best-informed decision possible for your family.
The Central Carolina Havanese Club provides breeder referral information as a service to members as well as to those interested in adding a Havanese to their family. We make no representations with respect to the breeders or breedings listed. We do not warrant the health or fitness of any puppy, nor does the club act in any way as the agent of any breeder.
The purchase of a Havanese puppy is a transaction between a buyer and seller. We recommend that buyers educate themselves regarding the breed, the heath issues that have been associated with the breed, and any testing that is appropriate as a screening tool for health risks.
The Havanese Club of America has issued a Code of Ethics, which the Central Carolina Havanese Club endorses and supports. The Central Carolina Havanese Club does not undertake to evaluate compliance of breedings or breeders listed on its website with the Code of Ethics and therefore cannot warrant such compliance.
The American Kennel Club provides a list of questions to ask breeders to help you think through the process of purchasing a puppy.